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Famous Actress on the Pain of Aging

Kristin Scott Thomas, the British-born actress who was nominated for an Oscar (The English Patient), talked about the pressure of growing older in a culture that worships youth. In a recent (2013) interview, the 53-year-old actress said, "When you're my age, you're invariably in a supporting role, so there's often a young woman in her 20s or early 30s who is the lead, and you're constantly put next to them. You're watching yourself get old, on a screen that hides nothing."

She went on to explain how growing older makes her feel increasingly invisible in everyday life:

I'm not talking about in a private setting, at a dinner party or anything. But when you're walking down the street, you get bumped into, people slam doors in your face—they just don't notice you. Somehow, you just vanish. It's a cliché, but men grow in gravitas as they get older, while women just disappear.

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