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Contest Tries to Name Funeral Home Café

A South Carolina funeral home was planning to open what it calls a "Coffee Corner." It was stocked with Starbucks coffee and offer WiFi as well as a fireplace and a television. The funeral home's owner says that he hopes it will help mourners "get their minds off what's going on.''

A news magazine called The Week welcomed people to submit a name for this novel café.

Honorable Mention awards included …

  • The Grim Roaster
  • You Can Take It with You
  • The Last Cup
  • De-Coffinated!
  • Perkatory
  • Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
  • Bean Nice Knowing You
  • See Ya Latte

These were the top winners:

  • Third Place: Latte for Your Own Funeral
  • Second Place: Still Above Grounds Café
  • First Place: Time to Meet Your Mocha

Preaching Angles: (1) Denial; Death; Grief—This news story is a great example of our tendency to deny the hard truths of life, especially our mortality. The funeral home owner wants to help people "get their minds off what's going on," but mourners actually need to face the reality of death and grieve it rather than just avoid it. (2) Afterlife; Judgment, divine—This story also illustrates our attempts not to think about what happens after we die.

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