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Pepsi Demonstrates Integrity

Who says there's no integrity in the business world? In the spring of 2006, an administrative assistant at Coca Cola's Atlanta headquarters left work with several classified materials hidden in her purse. These materials included recipes for upcoming products, future promotions, and a beverage sample for a product not yet on the market.

With the help of two other employees, the secretary sent a letter to Pepsi—Coke's oldest and biggest competitor—offering to sell the secrets. It was a chance for Pepsi to seriously damage its competitor for a relatively low price.

Immediately upon receiving the letter, however, Pepsi officials contacted Coca Cola's headquarters, which then called the FBI. The Feds conducted a sting operation that netted three conspirators two months later, when they agreed to part with the secrets for $1.5 million.

"We were just doing what any responsible company would do," said Pepsi spokesperson Dave DeCecco. "Despite the fierce competition in this industry, it should also be fair."

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