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"The Great Raid": The Glory of the Mission

The movie The Great Raid is based on the true story of the largest mission to rescue American POWs in WWII. Over 500 American captives had been taken by the Japanese to the brutal Cabantuan camps in the Philippines. Lt. Colonel Mucci (played by Benjamin Bratt) led his battalion deep through enemy territory to set them free.

When Colonel Mucci and his troops finally sneak into view of the POW camp, they realize that massive Japanese reinforcements are headquartered just behind their position. Frustrated and discouraged, Mucci stomps off into the woods and leans against a tree to consider his options.

Captain Prince tentatively approaches, and the two soldiers have a heart-to-heart conversation that captures just how important their mission is.

Mucci: The others are beginning to lose faith, aren't they?

Prince: They won't let you down.

Mucci: It's not a question of letting me down. We worked hard to raise a fine unit. They deserve their shot at glory.

Prince: I don't suppose many of us are in this for the glory, sir.

Mucci: I'm not talking about publicity, Bob. I'm talking about the kind of glory you carry inside you the rest of your life, knowing you've done something worth remembering, something that made a difference. The only recognition I want is from those boys in that camp. Nothing in our lives will ever be as important as this.

Content: Rated R for strong war violence and language

Elapsed Time: Chapter 13, 01:19:02 – 01:20:15

Video: Quicktime Version of the trailer for "The Great Raid"

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