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Comedian Explains Her Atheism

Comedian Julia Sweeney, from Saturday Night Live, was interviewed by David Ian Miller concerning her loss of faith in God, which she detailed in her 2005 book Letting Go of God. Miller asked: "How do you relate to people who strongly believe in God?"

Sweeney answered, "If somebody has credible evidence that there is a supernatural power that knows what I think and cares about me and offers me life after death, I would look at that evidence with an open mind. On the other hand, I can't imagine there would be that evidence."

Miller followed with a question pertaining to Sweeney's daughter: "What do you tell her about God?"

Sweeney responded, "I said God is this idea of a big man who lives up in the clouds and he created everything. And she goes, 'Well, I believe that!' And I go, 'Well, yeah, because it sounds like a cartoon character. But the truth isn't that, and I'll tell you the truth.' And then I actually teach her about evolution, and she asks me about it all the time as a bedtime story. She'll say, 'Tell me about how the dinosaurs weren't here when people were here.' And then I'll go over it again. I don't know how much of it she really gets, but she likes the story. And then, she's kind of over it now, but she would go, 'I believe in God at school, but when I come home I don't.'"

Miller closed the interview with a question concerning her daughter's future religious choices: "And whatever she decides will be okay with you?"

"Yeah," Sweeney replied. "I can't say I would be thrilled if she joined a church. I mean, unless she was so messed up that the church actually helped her out."

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