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Angel Saves Family

In Christian Reader, Brenda recalls a frightening night when her family faced danger:

6:34 a.m. "Mom…, Dad…" I became aware of [our son] Chase standing in our bedroom door. "I think you need to wake up," he said….
"What's wrong, Chase? You're never up this early."
"Something's not right, Mom. And the lights just went out."
Something's not right, I realized with a start. The air feels strange. Just then I heard… a monstrous thunder boom that wasn't letting up. It was getting closer and closer….Tornado! I shook my husband awake. "Danny! Danny! Hurry!"
"Get to the basement, quick!" Danny shouted as he yanked on a pair of pants. I …raced behind Chase toward the basement stairs. Passing through the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes—, the walls and doors bulged outward. Through the windows, a gray mass swirled wildly, a mass so thick I could not see the porch railings.
At the same moment, our fire alarm shrilled its warning. "Fire! Leave house immediately!" The outside horn blasted, trying to compete with the twister's roar. Then an eerie silence settled over everything. Except for the intermittent signal from the smoke alarm, it was quiet. Dear God in heaven, help us!
"Go on down, Chase!" I instructed him to run down the basement stairs. I flew into Tyler's room. His bed was empty. At the top of the basement stairs, I yelled, "Tyler, are you down there?" I heard a frightened, "Yes."
"Are both of you down there?"
"Hurry, Danny, hurry!" I hollered toward the other end of the house. We were about to take a direct hit from the tornado. "Danny!"
The house moaned. Starting down the steps, I hesitated. Where is Danny? What should I do? I need to be with the children. But I can't leave him up here!
Seconds later, the choice was made for me.
6:35 a. m. Unleashed fury struck full force at 200 miles an hour, an F4 tornado. Terrified, I gripped the handrail as I shouted for Danny. Suddenly the house began exploding around me. Glass shattered and wood splintered. I watched as shingles ripped off the roof and rafters began falling down. The stone fireplace crashed. Unidentified objects became wild missiles. Sheetrock dust filled the air as walls and ceilings were pulverized. The shrieking wind was deafening.
A wall beside me tore away. I was pulled first one way, then another. Shards of glass and bits of concrete block, mixed with red mud, bombarded me from all sides. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a huge black thing flying through the air just before it hit me in the head. The force sent me careening down the stairs. Everything went black for a few seconds. Yet my subconscious kept repeating, The children. You've got to stay alert for the children.
It was over as quickly as it began. The roar was silenced….
[Brenda Harvey, her husband, Danny, and two sons survived the tornado with only minor injuries. Their house was completely destroyed. But their faith was only strengthened as they learned one important detail from Chase, the son who had first awakened Brenda and Danny moments before the tornado hit.]
Days later, Chase and I were alone together. I felt compelled to ask, "Honey, what woke you that morning? Whatever it was saved our lives."
Chase hesitated. "I didn't know how to tell you," he started. "I can't say for sure what woke me the first time, but I got up and looked out the window, then went back to bed.
"That's when it happened. Something— or someone —moved a hand across the back of my hair. I knew I was supposed to wake you."
He gave me a look which said, You're not going to believe this. "Mom, it was my guardian angel. I didn't see her but I know it was."
"Oh yes, Chase, I believe you," as I grabbed him in a bear hug, recalling that within moments of his leaving his room, that room was obliterated along with Tyler's room and ours!

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