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God's Intervention Convinces Suicidal Atheist

Steven Arterburn writes:

One of the first persons to enter our New Life Treatment Centers was a confirmed atheist. One night he flew into a suicidal rage and out of desperation sought a phone book to find the number of a psychiatrist. At 3:00 a.m. few psychiatrists are available, but ours answered her phone. She instructed the desperate man to come to the center that night. He woke up the next morning and said that if there were a God, he had played a terrible trick by landing him in a Christian treatment center. It was tough for him to stay, but he struggled and managed to make it to the fourth day.
On the evening of the fourth day, the man accompanied other alcoholic patients to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. At the end of the meeting, a young boy stood up and asked for help. He told them he was suicidal. He said he was visualizing, in full color, putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger. The atheist could relate to the boy, since he had been in the same frame of mind four days earlier.
When the boy sat down, silence filled the room. Suddenly, the back door of the room opened and a man walked in wearing what looked like a turban and a hospital robe. He said that his wife and kids were in the car, but he felt God wanted him to come into the room and say something. He had not heard the boy but said, "If anyone here is thinking of killing yourself, I want to encourage you to reconsider. God loves you and wants you to live. This turban on my head is a bandage from where I put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. Fortunately, I survived so I could come here and tell you not to do it. God loves you."
That day our atheist patient lost his atheism.

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