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Obeying Our Commanding Officer

My friend's father, an Army sergeant, tried for 25 years to quit smoking. After multiple failed attempts, he went in for his yearly medical exam with an Army doctor. The physician told him that his health was being severely harmed by smoking and that he should stop. The sergeant confessed he knew he should stop and, in a tone of despair, related his multiple attempts to stop smoking over many years.

The physician looked at him and said, "What are these two bars on my lapel?"

The sergeant replied, "They mean you are a captain."

"Yes," said the captain, "And they also mean I outrank you, and I am giving you a direct order to stop smoking."

My friend's father went home and never smoked another cigarette. He could not quit on his own, even after years of trying, but he could quit when he understood the power of a direct order from a superior officer. He was thoroughly indoctrinated by the United States Army and not willing to violate an order.

As believers in Christ, our Commander-in-Chief has given us many commands in the New Testament. When we take them as seriously as this sergeant took his order to quit smoking, we'll be surprised how God can transform our lives.

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