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Lifestyle Worth More Than Profit

At the great market in Mexico City, an old native named Pota-lamo had twenty strings of onions hanging for sale.

An American tourist asked him, "How much for a string of onions?"

"Ten cents," said Pota-lamo.

"How much for two strings?"

"Twenty cents."

"How much for all twenty strings?" asked the American.

"I would not sell you my twenty strings," replied Pota-lamo.

"Why not? Aren't you here to sell your onions?"

"No," replied the old merchant. "I am here to live my life. I love this marketplace. I love the crowds and the red serapes. I love the sunlight and the wavering palmettos. I love to have friends come by and say buenos dias and talk about the babies and the crops. That is my life. For that I sit here all day and sell my twenty strings of onions. But if I sell all my onions to one customer, then my day is ended. I have lost the life I love —and that I will not do."

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