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Intolerance Can Be a Virtue

I was dismayed recently when I read what one senator said. This particular senator announced himself as a Republican candidate for the presidency. While he was announcing this, he wanted to quickly divorce himself from the religious right. So he said, "I do not refer to them as the 'religious right' or the 'Christian right' because they do not articulate religious values or Christian values." That's a relatively strong statement. Then he went on to say that they advocate intolerance.

This senator was talking about us. Can I say what others have said? Tolerance is the final virtue of a decadent society. Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying we should be petty, harsh, narrow-minded evangelicals. I don't want to be a jerk. But I am saying that to be a Christian is to believe that God has spoken in sentences that can be understood and must be obeyed. If that means I'm intolerant, so be it.

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