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How to Deal with Personal Agendas

One day an Anglican priest came to our church to talk with me and pray for me, and I wasn't in. He asked the secretary if he could go into our sanctuary and pray for me and for our church. She said, "By all means." And she led him in and watched as he went and knelt down by our pulpit and prayed there for twenty minutes for me and our church.

Later I discovered that his prayer had been that we in the Alliance at the North Shore would not lose the vision of A.B. Simpson. I laughed when I heard him pray that for the first time. I thought, You're an Anglican, and you're more Alliance than we are. When I told my congregation about what the rector had done, their hearts were warmed, and they began to love Anglicans. Now, when our people drive by St. Simon's church, they bless the congregation at St. Simon's.

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