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Sermons on Leadership development

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Preaching on Leadership development? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Humble Leadership
Humble Leadership


The goal for this series, "Four Pillars of a Healthy Community," is for us to look at the vision that Jesus was putting on display when he ...

We are called to follow Jesus' example of humble leadership.

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A Leader Tough and Tender


Today when we read this passage, we tend to think of how it applies to the pastor and the rest of the church staff. In fact, in several ...

Leaders need to learn to be tough enough to pay the price and tender enough to take care of their people.

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Six Things Every Leader Must Forget

Numbers 11:4-34

One of my favorite Old Testament characters is Moses. The reason I like him so much is because he was completely human—frail and ...

Effective leadership is a matter of forgetting those things that hold us back, and remembering that God has called us to move forward in his name.

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