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Sermon Illustrations about Thankfulness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Thankfulness to help bring your sermon to life.

Student Reaches Out to 'Invisible' Campus Employees

Last year, a business student from Georgetown University gave a friendly nod to the night-shift janitor who was working in his study room. Today, that ...

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Olympic Marathoner Finds Joy in Bad Situation

In the lead up to the 2016 Rio Olympics, many people believed Brazilian soccer legend Pelé would light the Olympic cauldron to officially kick ...

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Composer Wants to Express 'Love for Every Note'

For most Americans Arvo Pärt isn't exactly a household name. But the Estonian composer of classical and sacred music has won numerous international ...

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Stephen Colbert on Gratitude in Suffering

GQ magazine's interview with talk show host Stephen Colbert explored how he found gratitude in the midst of suffering ("The Late, Great Stephen Colbert.") ...

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How Many Times Has God 'Mercied' You?

His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. The English word new is the Hebrew word hadas … It means never before experienced. ...

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Learning Gratitude the Hard Way

Imagine you are in a small underground chamber, no bigger than a prison cell. The door is locked and the lights are switched out. It is not just dark; ...

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Employers Are 'Thankers' or "Thank-Nots'

As part of National Thank-You Week, research revealed that British businesses were split between "thankers" and "thank-nots." The thankers were those ...

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Survey Says Children Don't Know Source of Food

A poll taken by the British Nutrition Foundation questioned 27,500 children and youth aged five to sixteen about the origins of food. According to a summary ...

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Denzel Washington to Grads: 'Put God First'

In a 2015 commencement speech at Dillard University, Denzell Washington urged graduates to put God first and thank him constantly:

Put God first in everything ...

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Couple Gets More Thanks at Hospital than Church

Gordon MacDonald tells a story about a husband and wife team who are three-day-a-week volunteers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The wife ...

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