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Sermon Illustrations about Temptation, avoiding

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Temptation, avoiding to help bring your sermon to life.

Hidden Electronics in Your Car Aren’t Safe from Thieves

Car thieves have been around forever, and used to just smash out a window to steal vehicles of choice. Unfortunately, they have been able to up their ...

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Technologists Have Decided ‘No Phones for Our Children’

The people who are closest to a thing are often the most wary of it. Technologists know how phones really work, and many have decided they don’t ...

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Novelist Arrested After Writing How-to-Murder-Husband Essay

Nancy Crampton-Brophy, self-published romance novelist, had been married to Daniel Brophy, culinary chef, for more than 25 years. When her husband was ...

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Man Kills Snake; Snake Tries to Kill Him Back

The story has a semi-biblical tone: A man and woman together in a garden come across a serpent. The serpent awakens them to their own mortality and their ...

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Man Escapes Shark by Punching it

Watching YouTube videos can teach you a lot of things. For British doctor Charlie Fry, it taught him how to survive a life-threatening shark attack. A ...

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Why Does this Animal Eat Plastic? It just Tastes Good.

For years it was assumed that sea creatures ate disposed-of plastics by accident. Now, we know the real reason they eat this literal junk food: because ...

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People Attracted to Beautiful but Radioactive Container

In 1987, The New York Times reported on a radioactive contamination accident in Brazil caused four deaths and left 112,000 people with radioactive contamination. ...

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Teens Mistakenly Steal Cardboard Cake

A group of Minnesota teens were apprehended recently after attempting to steal a cake from a local grocery store. As if the embarrassment of getting caught ...

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Are We Enslaved to the Internet?

New York Times writer Ross Douthat wrote an article warning people about what he called "the real threat to the human future." What is it? Douthat explains: ...

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Thousands of Colored Eggs Wash Ashore on German Island

The beaches of the small island of Langeoog recently experienced a surprise—thousands of colored plastic eggs. Photos of the beach show the eggs ...

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