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Sermon Illustrations about Stewardship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Stewardship to help bring your sermon to life.

A Point, Not a Pattern

After the Ananias and Sapphira incident, I wonder how long it took the apostles to realize God was making a point, not stamping a pattern.

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Foolish Demands?

The things Jesus demands are entirely foolhardy--until you begin to share His view of things. Come to see money not as a passport to luxury but as a dangerous ...

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Only the Beginning ...

I heard about a little girl who experienced a major breakthrough in her life when she learned to tie her own shoes. Instead of excitement, she was overcome ...

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Give What You Don't Need

What keeps you from giving now? Isn't the poor man there? Aren't your own warehouses full? Isn't the reward promised? The command is clear: ...

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The Unselfish Archbishop

When John Chrysostom became archbishop of Constantinople, he sold expensive works of art his predecessors had acquired. He refused to give lavish dinner ...

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Biography from a Checkbook

In 1815 Napoleon was defeated in the battle of Waterloo, and the hero of that battle was the Duke of Wellington. The duke's most recent biographer ...

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Ambition that Is Foolhardy

The kind of successor I may get may depend a great deal on the kind of predecessor I've been and how I've related to my own predecessor. To reject ...

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Overflowing Landfill

Ecological garbage is only the outward sign of moral garbage piled up in the hearts of men.

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Divine Delegation

He seems to do nothing of Himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures. He commands us to do slowly and blunderingly what He could do perfectly ...

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Tending the Divine Fire

While no man has succeeded ... without some spark of divine fire, many have succeeded better by taking precious good care of a precious small spark than ...

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