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Sermon Illustrations about Social Media

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Social Media to help bring your sermon to life.

Fast-Food Workers Exasperated by Secret Menu

At the intersection of social media platforms and fast-food trends lives a new entry into the category of viral posts: the secret menu item. Influencers ...

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Beauty's Inexhaustible Shame Machine

Author Cathy O'Neal's The Shame Machine, delves into the numerous ways that corporations, governments, and much of the media have weaponized and ...

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Number of Teenagers ‘Almost Constantly’ on Social Media Doubles

The number of teenagers who say they are chronically online has nearly doubled since 2015, according to a survey from Pew Research Center. YouTube is ...

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Passengers Sing After Unruly Woman Removed

Federal law enforcement officers were dispatched to the Gold Coast Airport in Queensland, Australia after a drunk, disorderly woman refused to follow ...

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Popeyes’ Meme Kid Signs NIL Deal

Dieunerst Collin is one of the latest collegiate athletes to sign an NIL deal. The 2021 NCAA policy that allows athletes to receive compensation in exchange ...

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Inventor of Cellphone Says ‘Get a Life’

The inventor of the world’s first cellphone says he’s stunned by how much time people now waste on their devices. 92-year-old Martin Cooper ...

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Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and the Reality of Imperfection

By most measures, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are remarkable women. Intelligent and capable …. Both are the kind of mega pop stars who inspire ...

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Professor Challenges Students to Give Up Cellphones for a Week

It's old school in Jacob Dannenberg's college dorm room. He uses an alarm clock to wake him up, handwritten notes for reminders, and an actual ...

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‘Humility’ Is Really Our New Pride

Columnist David Brooks mocks what passes for humility these days. He points to a tweet from the president of the European Central Bank: “I was humbled ...

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New Year’s Resolution: Rediscover Boredom in the Smartphone Age

Smartphones have changed the way we inhabit public space and more specifically, how we fill our time while waiting. Consequently, day-dreaming, thinking, ...

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