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Sermon Illustrations about Prophecy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prophecy to help bring your sermon to life.

How a Movie Plot Twist Changes the Way We Read the Old Testament

All of Scripture speaks of Jesus. Once we read about him in the New Testament, we can never read the Old Testament the same way. Tremper Longman III explains ...

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How Tim Keller Discovered Christ in the Old Testament

As a young Christian, pastor and author Tim Keller said, "I found the Old Testament to be a confusing and off-putting part of the Bible." But while he ...

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Garrison Keillor and Tim Keller on Christmas

The American storyteller Garrison Keillor recently claimed that you don't have to believe in Jesus to have a great Christmas. Keillor said,

Although ...

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Apollo 13 Blackout vs. 400 Years of Silence

To illustrate the 400-years of silence prior to the coming of Jesus, Del Tackett compares it to the Apollo 13 incident. On the evening of April 13, when ...

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Jesus' Shadow or Real Presence?

John Piper gave the following illustration to children and their parents, to explain what Christmas is:

Kids, suppose you and your mom get separated in ...

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Google, the Oracle

Some tech companies think they can help you know your future. Imagine a personal assistant—like Apple's Siri—that could provide you with ...

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A Native American Prophecy of Christmas

In 1740 the Skitswish, a small Native American tribe in northern Idaho, had a prophet/chief named Circling Raven of whom it was said he could communicate ...

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Luxury Cruise Turns Sour

Recently I spoke with a friend named Carol (name changed) who had just returned from a difficult ocean cruise. She works for an organization that was ...

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456 Prearranged Signs for the Messiah

David Greenglass was a World War II traitor. He gave atomic secrets to the Soviet Union and then fled to Mexico after the war. His conspirators arranged ...

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Taxi Driver Persuaded End of the World Is Near

How do you react when people talk about the end of the world, or about Christ returning to earth? Here is how one columnist felt about it:

During a taxi ...

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