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Sermon Illustrations about Incarnation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Incarnation to help bring your sermon to life.

People Did Not Recognize In-Person Celebrity

A few years ago, The Edge, U2's guitarist, took his son out trick-or-treating in L.A. Both The Edge and his son dressed in The Edge's trademark ...

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The Woman Who Was Too Busy for Christmas

The Italians have a legend about a woman named Befana who lived along the dusty road that led to Bethlehem. She was her village’s best housekeeper. ...

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Father Spends a Week on the Streets with Homeless Son

A San Diego father (who wants to be known as “Frank”) believed his son, a homeless, heroin addict living on the streets in Denver, was on ...

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Mall Promotion Tasks Inventors with Making Impossible Gifts Real

The marketing team at Lakeside Shopping Centre are accustomed to the difficulty of getting the attention of a fickle shopping public. But recently, they ...

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Grad Student Saved by Lyrics from Handel’s Messiah

In the 1960s Mary Ellen Rothrock was a grad student in English literature at the University of Wisconsin. In 1998 she wrote in Christian Reader magazine: ...

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The King Who Became a Commoner for Love

There was no question he loved her. He was absolutely bedazzled by her. Surprising, really, because she was plain, maybe even… well, (to someone ...

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The Magi and The Star

The magi—the wise men—were from modern-day Iraq. They knew the stars better than the backs of their hands. In the inky black Mesopotamian ...

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'Bus Driver from Heaven' Rescued Children from California Wildfire

Kevin McKay drove the school bus along gridlocked, dark roads as pockets of fire burned all around. Nearly two dozen elementary school children were on ...

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The Problem with Holly Jolly Christmas Songs

Christian leader and writer Russell Moore recently overheard a young man complaining how much he disliked Christmas. But his anti-Christmas mood wasn’t ...

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'Hallelujah' Chorus Flash Mob Brings Joy to Shoppers

In October of 2012, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers to perform a Random Act of Culture in the heart of a busy Macy’s ...

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