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Sermon Illustrations about Flesh

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Flesh to help bring your sermon to life.

The World Holds Us Back

It is true there is difficulty in entering into godliness. But this difficulty does not rise from the religion which begins in us, but only from the irreligion ...

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Battle of Two Natures

The cuckoo is a common bird in England. The first sign of spring is that bird's call. The cuckoo never builds its own nest. When it feels an egg coming ...

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Dual Nature

God had enough for a saint and a devil, and he put it all in me.

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You're a Hypocrite, Too

One of the enduring images in Christian culture is the praying hypocrite--the slave trader who reads the Bible in the hull of the ship; the preacher whose ...

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Don't Trust the Flesh

We ought not trust our nature, our flesh, no matter how spiritual we think we are.

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Wealth Doesn't Equal Blessing

There is no way, if you take the whole counsel of God's Word, that you can equate riches or material things as a sign of God's blessing.

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No Success without God

Nothing fails quite so totally as success without God.

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Good Intentions Fail

What upsets every scene, domestic or political, is not man's desire to be so bad. So far I have never met a man who wanted to be bad. The mystery ...

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Ever-Growing Lust

Lust always points in only one direction. Always you want more.

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So Much Dirt

I was riding along a highway the other day and saw a sign, "Dirt for sale." I said, "They ought to hang that over every rack of paperbound ...

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