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When Loving Isn't Easy

I know two law partners who used to hate each other.

When one became a Christian, he asked me, "Now that I'm a Christian, what should I do?"

I said, "Why not ask him to forgive you and tell him you love him?"

"I could never do that!" he said, "because I don't love him."

That lawyer had put his finger squarely on one of the great challenges of the Christian life: On the one hand, everybody wants to be loved, but on the other hand, many people never experience it. That's why we need to learn to love as Christ loves--unconditionally. We can't manufacture that kind of love. It only comes from God; and it's a love that draws people to Christ.

I prayed with that attorney. The next morning, he told his partner, "I've become a Christian, and I want to ask you to forgive me for all I've done to hurt you, and to tell you that I love you."

The partner was so surprised and convicted that he, too, asked for forgiveness and said, "I would like to become a Christian. Would you tell me how?"

See what love can do?

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