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Gregory Hollifield

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Gregory Hollifield
Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

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Jeffrey Arthurs

A Body You Have Prepared

Jeffrey Arthurs
He took a body to give his body.


At Christmas we remember that Jesus came among us. The Second Person of the Trinity lowered himself, condescended, and became a man. That’s ...

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Kevin Miller

A Rebuild in the Ruins

Kevin Miller
God’s not done with his people.


(Read Amos 9:8, 11-15)

When I came to Wheaton, 45 years ago, downtown Wheaton was just one more struggling downtown in the Rust Belt. Carlson’s ...

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Kevin Miller

A Worship Service God Hates?

Kevin Miller
It is possible to think we are worshiping God when we’re not.


(Read Amos 5:21-6:7)

Imagine that you move out of state. In that new place, you must find a new church, which can be challenging. Finally, ...

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Kevin Miller

The Robbing ‘Hood

Kevin Miller
Idolatry and injustice always go together.


(Read Amos 5:4-15)

A week ago, I was coming home from Midway Airport, and I asked my Lyft driver, “Do you also drive for Uber?” ...

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