Sermon Illustrations
Survey of Religious Beliefs Around the Globe
A 2015 poll based on the religious beliefs of nearly 64,000 people from 65 countries found some surprising results on the need for global evangelism and the connection between wealth and faith.
- The rumors of religion's death have been exaggerated. Almost every major world religion (except Buddhism) will rise in numbers.
- 63 percent of the people polled said they are "religious."
- China is the least religious country with twice the amount of convinced atheists than any other nation (61 percent). Thailand is the most religious country globally (94 percent).
- The fastest growing world religion will be Islam.
- Christianity will still be the world's largest faith by 2050, but only barely. However, by 2070-2100, Islam will gain the numerical edge.
- Islam and Christianity, combined, will represent 6 out of every 10 human beings on the planet.
- In the United States, Christianity will retain its majority but decline, and Muslims will grow to surpass Jews as the second largest non-Christian American religion. The race for the world's soul is between the cross and the crescent.
Interestingly, there was a strong correlation between income and religious belief. Less than 50 percent of people in the two highest income brackets said they were religious. While 70 percent of those in the three lowest income brackets said they were religious. Likewise, the number of convinced atheists is as high as 22 to 25 percent among people with medium high and high income but only 5 to 6 percent among people with low and medium low income.