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Sermon Illustrations about Submission

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Submission to help bring your sermon to life.

The ‘Stumbling Stones’ of Holocaust Victims

With hundreds of things to see in Berlin, few tourists pay attention to what lies under their feet. The four inch by four inch blocks of brass embedded ...

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A Woman's Struggle with ‘Submit to Your Husband’

In her book Confronting Christianity, Rebecca McLaughlin writes about her struggles with the concept of submitting to her husband (as found in Ephesians ...

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Samoan Rugby Players Voluntarily Cover Tattoos in Japan

Their hearts may be on their sleeves, but their tattoos are under them. While participating in the 2019 Rugby World Cup, the manager of Samoa’s ...

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Jesus Isn't Just Savior, He is Lord

Matthew’s Gospel ends with Jesus saying to his followers, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore …” ...

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Kathy Keller Explains Submission and Leadership in Marriage

Pastor Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy Keller wrote a book called The Meaning of Marriage. In it Kathy Keller gives an example of submission in a tough ...

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High School Football Coach Chooses Team Over Himself

In the competitive world of high school football, there are sometimes abrupt coaching exits like the one that happened at Madison High. But what shocked ...

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Study Debunks 'Find Your Passion' Advice

Americans love to say things like "follow your passion," "pursue your dreams," or "do what you love and love what you do." ...

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Who is in the Driver's Seat of Your Life?

In his sermon, John Ortberg compares submission to Jesus to driving a car:

When it was time to take our first child home from the hospital, we put her ...

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Burger King's 'Who's the King?' Campaign Draws Criticism

The fast food giant Burger King drew open criticism recently from another king-King Phillipe of Belgium. Set to open its first location in Belgium, Burger ...

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C.S. Lewis Talks to a Dog About Lust

People sometimes think of Christian morality as a straitjacket—as if God gave us random commands that we must keep in order to prove our devotion ...

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