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Sermon Illustrations about Mission

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mission to help bring your sermon to life.

Product Names with a Life of Their Own

In 1907, the American Thermos Bottle Company launched a marketing campaign to popularize its vacuum-insulated bottles. They succeeded so spectacularly ...

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Evangelicalism Growing in Central America

Evangelicalism is now the largest religious demographic in Central America, according to a poll of about 4,000 people in five countries. More than a third ...

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Hero Cowboy Rescues Steer from Freeway

When officers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) were asked to provide traffic control for a recent incident, they didn’t know they were signing ...

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The Churches of Antarctica and the Moon

In an article in Vice, Brian Merchant argues that the first structure that humans will probably build on the Moon after they have completed building a ...

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Take Me to Church

LifeWay Research surveyed 2,000 Americans who do not attend church on what would draw them to one. Among the findings:

Method Of Invite

51% a personal invitation ...

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How Condoleezza Rice Found Her True Calling

Condoleezza Rice, the former diplomat and Secretary of State, was a sophomore in college majoring in piano performance, working toward a professional ...

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Observing the World from Behind Closed Curtains

When Krish Kandiah was young, growing up in the United Kingdom, his family could always count on their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Oglive, to be around. ...

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Taiwan’s Most Famous Missionary

The 150th anniversary of Canadian missionary George Leslie Mackay’s arrival in Taiwan was celebrated in 2022. Perhaps the country’s most beloved ...

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God Was Their Deliverer

As a child, Juliet Liu Waite and her sisters would plead with their aunt to tell them the story of their escape from Saigon, South Vietnam. The story ...

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Tim Keller’s Mentor Explained Security in Christ

Tim Keller said he would never forget the story about one of his mentors, a college professor named Dr. Addison Leach.

Two young women at the college were ...

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