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Sermon Illustrations about Labor Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Labor Day to help bring your sermon to life.

Princeton Artist Unveils Exhibit Honoring Campus Laborers

At Princeton University, an artist has taken it upon himself to honor a group of unsung heroes with an honor usually reserved for top-level donors, former ...

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Plimsoll, the Seaman’s Friend, Campaigned Against ‘Coffin Ships’

In the mid-1800s working as a seaman in Great Britain was a dangerous job. Shady ship owners tried to maximize profits by overloading their ships. These ...

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How Best Buy Rescued Itself from a Slow Death

The year was 2012, and everything seemed to be going wrong for Best Buy. The CEO had just resigned after admitting to an improper relationship with a ...

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A Record Number of Folks Age 85 and Older Are Working

Seventy may be the new 60, and 80 may be the new 70, but 85 is still pretty old to work in America. Yet in some ways, it is the era of the very old worker ...

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The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses

An article in The Wall Street Journal notes that many corporate employers are realizing they’ve missed one of the most important traits of leadership: ...

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Famous CEOs Who Write Personal Thank You Notes

Each year, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg gives himself a personal discipline challenge. In 2013, it was to meet a new person who doesn't ...

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Outpouring of Support for Actor in Retail-Shaming Photo

Geoffrey Owens was doing what many freelance workers do during a down season—working a regular retail shift—when someone took a photo that ...

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Unique Thank You Note Cheers Elderly Teacher

A quarter-century ago, a middle-aged pastor and writer named William Stidger was reflecting on his gratitude for a teacher he had in his youth who’d ...

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Humble Worker Rewarded with Car

On the day of her impending move, Jenny Hayden Lamey indeed found herself moved, but not in the way she expected.

Lamey was greeted early in the morning ...

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How a Chicago Church Empowers People through Work

Here's one positive story about how a church got creative to minister to the needs of its community. After purchasing an abandoned, run-down pool hall ...

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