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Sermon Illustrations about Cohabitation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Cohabitation to help bring your sermon to life.

Fears of Divorce Drive Young Adults to Avoid Marriage

A 2011 research study on single men and women aged 18-36 found widespread fears about divorce—even among those whose parents hadn't divorced. ...

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Pastor Encourages a Young Woman to Live Celibate

Eugene Peterson shares a story about a completely unchurched young woman who started attending his church and made a genuine commitment to follow Jesus. ...

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Our Preposterous Fantasies

God has made [our] fantasies … so preposterously unrewarding that we are forced to turn to him for help and for mercy. We seek wealth and find ...

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Most Adults Still Have Feelings for Their "Ex"

Based on a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults:

  • Forty-eight percent of men still have feelings for an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.
  • Thirty-seven percent of women still have feelings for an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband.

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Intercessory Prayer for a Fearful Friend

Arlyn Lawrence writes in "The Other Great Commission?":

Carrie was a casual acquaintance from church—an outgoing person with a quick smile ...

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Bonhoeffer on Love and Marriage

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote:

Marriage is more than your love for each other. It has a higher dignity and power, for it is God's holy ordinance, through ...

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Johnny Depp's Definition of Marriage

—Actor Johnny Depp said:

Marriage can be whatever you define it as. For example, I don't feel like I need a piece of paper that says I own her and ...

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The Early Church's Take on Sex

Not a single church father can be found who did not assume that Christians should remain chaste before marriage.

In the early second century, the Roman ...

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Why Some Men Avoid Marriage

According to a study from the National Marriage Project of Rutgers University, the top 10 reasons why men are reluctant to commit to marriage are:

1. They ...

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Missionary Dating to the Extreme

Journalist Terry Mattingly writes:

Church people have a name for what happens when young believers get romantically involved with unbelievers. They call ...

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