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Sermon Illustrations about Betrayal

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Betrayal to help bring your sermon to life.

Forgiving Those Who Hurt Us

Writer William Nix shares this story in his book Character Works:

Mark Gagnon worked as a clerk in the North Hampton, Massachusetts, store owned by James ...

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Security in Values

Whenever there is a separation between values and practice, things break down. In ancient China, the people desired security from the barbaric, invading ...

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Table-Talk Forbidden

Augustine encouraged conversation at meals--but with a strictly enforced rule that the character of an absent person should never be negatively discussed. ...

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Unending Gift

In the night when his people betrayed him--the night of intensest enmity--the dear Lord Jesus said, "This is my blood of the covenant, poured out ...

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The End of Judas

Think of Judas. Judas decided to follow Jesus. Judas heard Jesus teach. He went out two by two with the others, healing the sick and exorcising demons. ...

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Christmas Betrayed

Millions of perfectly healthy and worthy men and women still keep Christmas; and do in all sincerity keep it holy as well as happy. But there are some, ...

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