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Sermon Illustrations about Anger, Human

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anger, Human to help bring your sermon to life.

A Manager Turns a Mistake into a Lesson on Kindness

The famous and luxurious Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina, was originally owned and managed by George and Edith Vanderbilt, an elegant couple ...

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Early Church Leader Helps Younger Christian Overcome Anger

During the days of the "desert fathers" (a 4th century Christian movement that tried to renew the church), a young man came to his spiritual ...

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Bitter Man Chooses to Forgive Longtime Enemy

Pastor Matt Woodley writes:

My friend Steve warned me that he didn't believe in forgiveness. "God could never forgive me," he said. "Okay, ...

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Man Deals with His Anger

Leroy Eims writes:

As a new Christian, I was challenged to apply my weekly Bible study personally. I was working through Colossians. The Holy Spirit caught ...

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Man Transformed After Dealing with His Anger

In his book It Came from Within, Andy Stanley tells of a man whose faith sprang back to life once he dealt with his anger. Stanley writes:

I met Joe at ...

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Violent Video Games Create Efficient Killers

David Grossman, a retired Army psychologist, believes that violent video games are teaching our kids to kill. Grossman first became aware of this issue ...

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Man Contemplates Killing His Daughter's Rapist

In the fall of 2002, Rick Garmon's daughter, Katie, became a victim of date rape. She was 18-years-old at the time and a freshman in college. Too ...

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Frederick Buechner on Anger

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue ...

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Healed from Anger

In Preaching Today, author and speaker Tony Campolo tells this story:

I was in a church in Oregon not too long ago, and I prayed for a man who had cancer. ...

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Loving Example Brings Conversion

I once invited a friend, Gavin, to help my pastor and me guide 30 lively teens through an all-night "lock-in" at church. Early in the evening ...

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