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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Gifts

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Gifts to help bring your sermon to life.

Realistically Nurturing Your Talents

How often do we as parents imagine our children playing a professional sport? Whether it is swimming, gymnastics, college football, or basketball, there ...

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Accepting the Coach’s Vision

Dr. Joe Carella, Sport Psychology Consultant with the NBA’s Orlando Magic addresses what to do "When you see yourself differently than your ...

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Infant on Plane Given Gift by Passenger

When Jake and Kelly Levine boarded their flight, they were hoping their five-month-old daughter Romey would be able to behave appropriately. Kelly said, ...

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Pro Quarterback Praises Unknown Hero

Pro quarterback Patrick Mahomes had just limped his way through a last-minute, game-winning drive in the 2023 AFC Championship when he gave the credit ...

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Shot Putter Saved Team with Hurdle Run

Sometimes just taking part is what counts. Just ask Belgian shot-put thrower Jolien Boumkwo, who competed in the 100-meter hurdles at the European Athletics ...

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NBA Champion Lauded for Exceptional Mind

To excel in the National Basketball Association, as in any sports league, a player must be in excellent physical condition. But according to a profile ...

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Man Showed Up 13,000 Times for Broadway Play

The final curtain fell on the longest-running show in Broadway history after 13,981 performances. Alan Lampel has been there for roughly 13,000 of them. ...

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How Condoleezza Rice Found Her True Calling

Condoleezza Rice, the former diplomat and Secretary of State, was a sophomore in college majoring in piano performance, working toward a professional ...

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What Great Thing Will You Do This Year?

2022 saw some truly bizarre Guinness World Records, including:

  • Fastest time to find and alphabetize the letters in a can of alphabet soup (2 minutes and 8.6 seconds).

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Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and the Reality of Imperfection

By most measures, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are remarkable women. Intelligent and capable …. Both are the kind of mega pop stars who inspire ...

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