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Sermon Illustrations about Offering

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Offering to help bring your sermon to life.

Searching for Loopholes

A handful of our people went on a mission trip to Eastern Europe several weeks ago. When they came back, they told me they were really impressed with ...

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I Can't Afford to Tithe

My 14-year-old son, Joel Porter, has a job this year. He got his first, official paycheck. Boy, was he thrilled. He came home and showed me his paycheck. ...

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Money: Idol or Icon?

I sat briefly with an old dollar bill in my hand, feeling its softness, wondering where it had been. What other hands had grasped it or given it? What ...

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Out of Our Hands

A sacrifice is an offering placed before the Lord so that he can make something of it. Once offered it is in God's hand to do with what he will. It ...

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