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Sermon Illustrations about New Creation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on New Creation to help bring your sermon to life.

Christmas Is not About Us Fixing the World

Years ago, I read an ad in the New York Times that said, "The meaning of Christmas is that love will triumph and that we will be able to put together ...

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Secular Jewish Writer Comes to Faith in Christ

The popular novelist Andrew Klavan was raised in a non-practicing Jewish home. For about the first 45 years of his life, he lived as a "philosophical ...

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Leader Turns Graffiti Vandals into Artists

In the early 1980s the city of Philadelphia had a huge problem with graffiti. The mayor established the Anti-Graffiti Network, committed to combatting ...

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Names Shape People's Destinies

NYU professor Adam Alter has observed the power names have to shape destiny. The technical name is "nominative determinism," which literally means "name-driven ...

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Even the Alaskan Permafrost Can Be Fruitful

This illustration comes farm-fresh … all the way from Alaska. Tim Meyers is a farmer in Alaska, where the soil is rich, but frozen. Conventional ...

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Father and Son Restore a Beautiful Old Car

Editor's Note: The following is a fictitious story but it's a beautiful way to illustrate God's work to restore his fallen creation or his power to restore ...

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Princes William and Harry Will Receive Their Inheritance

The promise of a future inheritance is one of the many promises God makes to us in the Bible. But the concept itself is difficult for us to comprehend. ...

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South African Church Offers Praise in the Midst of Tragedy

In his talk entitled "The Sense of an Ending," Jeremy Begbie tells a story about attending a worship service in a poor South African township. ...

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Joni Eareckson Tada Longs for Her New Body

In her book, A Place of Healing, author Joni Eareckson Tada reflects on "normal": "Relief from chronic pain—even though I remain ...

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C.S. Lewis on the Wonder of Our Resurrected Bodies

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul emphasizes that we will be given new bodies. In his book The Great Divorce, a fictional look at Christian perceptions of life ...

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