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Sermon Illustrations about Mentoring

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mentoring to help bring your sermon to life.

Be Shaped by the Godly

When you meet a man or woman who puts Jesus Christ first, knit that one to your soul.

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Lasting Effects of Encouragement

Dr. Larry Crabb recalls an incident in the church he attended as a young man. It was customary in this church that young men were encouraged to participate ...

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Unique Call of Scripture

In the movie, The Hurricane, based on real events, Denzel Washington plays boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, a man whose dreams of winning the ...

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Role Models Needed

The TV show "60 Minutes" ran a segment that tells us something important about fatherlessness.

The park rangers at a South African wildlife preserve ...

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Great Expectations

A conductor cannot plan beyond the musicians' abilities, but he must plan up to their possibilities.

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Successful Leaders Build Teams

The successful leaders are those who know their job is to build an effective team that will outlast them.

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Belaying--A Model for Ministry

Ten of us, all beginners, were climbing White Gap Mountain in North Carolina. We were using ropes in a system called belaying. I served as belayer, which ...

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Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy

Every man should seek to have three individuals in his life: a Paul, a Barnabas, and a Timothy.

A Paul is an older man who is willing to mentor you, to ...

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Nothing Grows under the Banyan Tree

"Nothing grows under a banyan tree." This South Indian proverb speaks of leadership styles. The banyan is a great tree. It spreads its branches, ...

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