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Sermon Illustrations about Flesh

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Flesh to help bring your sermon to life.

Man Robs Same Store Three Times for Candy

As kids, we almost all inevitably faced the same temptation at one point or another—to slip our favorite candy bar into our pocket at the store ...

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Actor Jeff Bridges Refused Dad's Advice

In an interview for Rolling Stone, actor Jeff Bridges was asked what advice he wished he would have received at age 20. Bridges said:

I got the advice—I ...

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Biblical Wisdom on the Neurons Lining Our Gut

In the dynamic relationship between love and knowledge, head and heart, the Scriptures paint a holistic picture of the human person. It's not only our ...

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Exotic Zoo Owner Trapped By His Tiger

In states where it's not illegal, it's relatively inexpensive to buy and keep a baby lion or tiger—generally comparable to the price of ...

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Research Proves We Can't Walk Straight Line

In 2009, a German scientist named Jan Souman took a group of subjects out to empty parking lots and open fields, blindfolded them, and instructed them ...

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Actor Johnny Depp on the Evil Within

Commenting on his performance in the gangster drama Black Mass, actor Johnny Deep said, "I found the evil in myself a long time ago, and I've accepted ...

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Sin Reduces our Script to Scribbles

In his book Newton: On the Christian Life, author Tony Reinke recalls a metaphor John Newton used to illustrate the effects of indwelling sin:

Imagine ...

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Spiritual Disciplines Expose Our Sinful Tendencies

The spiritual disciplines … are so easy that any adult human being can do them. There are no particular skills required to be alone, to be silent, ...

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Animal Rescuer Overwhelmed by Rats

At her rental house, which she named "The Critter Café," Christine Bishop was a well-intentioned rescuer of stray cats, dogs, and lost ducks. Then ...

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Scientific Research Marred by Sinful Drives

A 2009 report from Edinburgh University found that a third of scientific medical researchers admitted anonymously to scientific fraud, with nearly three-fourths ...

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