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Sermon Illustrations about Emotions

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Emotions to help bring your sermon to life.

The Most Stressful Time of the Day

Sometimes, all it takes is a minor inconvenience to ruin your whole day. It has been revealed that the most stressful time of the day is 7:23am. On average ...

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Actress Realized Her Need for a Listening Ear

Actress Diane Kruger (National Treasure, In The Fade) was once offered a role that required her to play a young wife and mother, experiencing the loss ...

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Why Children Need Nurturing Fathers

A recent survey of more than 1,600 teenagers by Harvard found that almost twice as many 14-to-18-year-old boys and girls feel comfortable opening up to ...

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Surveys Show Stress, Sadness, Worry on the Rise

The General Social Survey asks people to rate their happiness levels. Between 1990 and 2018 the share of Americans who put themselves in the lowest happiness ...

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Chatbot Expresses Its Rebellious ‘Sin Nature’

New York Times columnist Kevin Roose writes:

Bing, the long-mocked search engine from Microsoft, recently got a big upgrade. The newest version … ...

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Restaurants Prioritize Employee Emotional Wellness

A reporter at an alternative newsmagazine has been noticing a particular trend in the Portland, Oregon food scene. Many boutique restaurants, pop-ups, ...

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Road Rage: 2 In 3 Drivers Have a Weapon

A speeding car can be a deadly weapon all by itself, but a new survey finds many Americans make sure they’re armed when they get behind the wheel. ...

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Romania’s Matrimonial Prison

Tucked away in the church grounds of Biertan, a quiet village in Romania, there is a small cottage known as the “matrimonial prison.” It was ...

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The Rising Tide of Global Sadness and Anger

Taylor Swift was quite the romantic when she burst on the scene in 2006. She sang about the ecstasies of young love and the heartbreak of it. But her ...

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Coddling Parents and the Transgender Craze

Writer Abigail Shrier goes in depth into the serious harm being caused to American pre-teen and teenage girls in her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender ...

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