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Sermon Illustrations about Church Involvement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church Involvement to help bring your sermon to life.

The Early Church Succeeded Where We Are Failing

In a recent book Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock ask significant questions:

Why did the Early Church succeed where we are failing? How did they transform ...

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3 Facts about Easter in America

The Acton Institute blog collected some interesting stats about Easter:

  • In 2015, more Americans searched for "church" on Google in the week leading up to Easter Sunday (April 5) than any other week in the year. (When including the word "service"—so that the full search term is "church service"—Christmas overtakes Easter, though the two remain high above the rest in terms of search activity throughout the year.)

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Millennials Losing Trust in Institutional Church

A report from Pew Research concluded that younger generations tend to have more positive views than their elders of a number of institutions that play ...

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Criticizing the Church Is like Criticizing a Man's Wife

Imagine this scenario: A man invites a friend into his home for dinner. They enjoy a delicious meal that the man's wife has graciously offered to make. ...

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How the Church Acts Like a Mother

An early church leader named Cyprian once said, "No one can have God as his Father who does not have the church as his mother." Augustine also ...

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Father Responds to His Son's Rant about the Church

At one point in his journey towards Christ, Nathan Foster (the son of author Richard Foster) was living "a ragged attempt at discipleship." ...

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Death by Loneliness

God said from the beginning: "It is not good for man to be alone." Data collected from 148 studies, involving more than 300,000 people, conducted ...

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Looking Behind the Veil of Ordinariness

In his book Practice Resurrection, Eugene Peterson tells the story of a woman named Judith, an artist in textiles. He writes:

Judith had an alcoholic husband ...

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Max Lucado on the Importance of Christian Community

Questions can make hermits out of us, driving us into hiding. Yet the cave has no answers. Christ distributes courage through community; he dissipates ...

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Man Discovers Co-worker Is His Brother

They worked together every day at the furniture delivery company and didn't know. Gary would lift one end of the couch and Randy the other. People ...

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